Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021 Video Game)
"Its Been A Dam Good Ride" "The Best"-Comander Shepard
22 July 2022
The Mass Effect Trilogy is a testament to writing in games how we can be transported to other worlds and taken on the adventure of a lifetime and find ourselves on a journey that we experience with unforgettable characters who melt and break our hearts through untimely deaths to tear-jerking goodbyes, the Mass Effect Trilogy has it all.

I have been with the series since the first game back in 2007. And have been replaying the trilogy countless times seeing all the different outcomes ( Of which there are many) and have been a die-hard fan ever since.

There is so much good I can say about the game but it's best if I start with its strongest aspect, The characters, and races of the Mass Effect World.

Mass effect features a wide range of interesting and diverse characters from the regular everyday human, to the Big brody Turian with a heart of Gold, To the isolated Quarian who shines through all, and to the beautiful Asari and their cunning intellect, as well as The Salarians, Batarians, Volus, Elcor, Hannar, Vorcha, Protheans, Krogan, and Drell. There are so many characters featured across all the known races.

The main side characters that accompany you throughout your journey are what makes these games great each game gives you a selection of characters to get to know and to take on missions with from fan favorites Garrus Vakarian and Tali Zorah you will form bonds with your crew as you journey through the Milky Way Galaxy. Talking to them and learning their backstories and alien cultures are what make this game extremely immersive, the world-building is spectacular through dialogue with characters to the scenery via combat and the hub worlds.

The combat in the games evolves from game to game and sees drastic improvements in the 3rd game. The gameplay revolves around a 3rd person cover-based shooter with tactical elements thrown into the mix, you can command your squad of two to use their abilities to help you progress through the levels.

The choices you make throughout the trilogy define what kind of experience you will have and it will be unique to you when you play the journey should feel your own so make the choices that you feel you would. The game has nail-biting life-or-death decisions that could result in the loss of a companion or saving the life of the character you care about.

This is my favorite Si fi franchise of all time I have loved it since 2007 and I still love it in 2022.
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