People claiming to be techies saying this is realistic are having a laugh
21 July 2022
First off, a lot of the acting is awful. The main character just isn't believable and is just wooden. Maybe that's meant to be the point. Who knows.

Many reviews here are saying how technically believable it is (some simply because the character uses w3w).... Seriously??

The idea that a work experience under-grad would be allowed into GCHQ, on day 1, in the middle of one of the biggest cyber attacks in history AND be let loose on the actual malware (sandbox or not), without any induction, without any basic training about safe use of said sandbox. Or even basic security training... come on...

Being technically inaccurate in a drama is hardly new. Medical dramas have had it for years. I can live with it, IF the show is entertaining and has a great script. This is neither.
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