Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
Let Justice Be Done Though the Heavens Fall
19 July 2022
Back-to-back-to-back masterpieces from Better Call Saul and I'm sure we're gonna get another 4 masterpieces in the next month.

Once again, we're blessed with another amazing intro montage with the best transitions and editing.

This episode pretty much resolves everything for every character and everyone gets lots of screen time including Kim, Saul, and Gus Fring. Gus Fring is still a beast and he wins every argument without even talking, gigachad energy right there.

This episode had everything, great emotional scenes with yet another great performance from Rhea Seehorn, great conclusions to pretty much every plot thread of the show, and they may have also hinted at something about Gus Fring that some people were speculating.

As other reviews said, this feels like an end of an era and the beginning of a new.

Can't really say much about it more and not spoil it, just that it's one of the best episodes of Breaking Bad Universe. An episode doesn't have to always have a sudden death or a shocking ending in order to be considered a 10/10 episode.
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