Review of Girl Shy

The Andy Griffith Show: Girl Shy (1965)
Season 6, Episode 15
Andy comes to the courthouse for a tie clip?
15 July 2022
The whole idea of Andy using the only squad car for personal use is intriguing. Warren is left to pursue his duties as deputy by foot? The episode has some funny moments. Especially for a Warren (Jack Burns) fan like myself. But, the writing is weak. Lots of flat awkward buildup leading to the comical payoffs. Warren is made out to be socially defective. Then, most of the single men of Mayberry are all socially inept with females. And have very little interest in females except for now gone Barney. Helen (Aneta Corsaut) is great standing up for herself. Andy's attitude is puzzling to the point of telling Helen to get the chip off her shoulders. Strange episode indeed. Nice showcase for Jack Burns. Not enough "huh? Huh's?"
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