It's a woeful adaptation.
13 July 2022
I can understand why people feel there's a camp charm about this, for me though it's an absolute mess.

Firstly, Angela Lansbury, I'm a big fan of hers, but she was horribly miscast here, she's too young, the makeup doesn't work, and as for the acting, she's more Hinge and Bracket than Marple, however...

.as bad as I thought she was, nothing could prepare me for the true horror of this film, the dismal acting of Elizabeth Taylor, sorry, but she is atrocious here, wooden and unable to bring the character to life, compare it to Claire Bloom from The BBC series, Bloom dazzles, and feels so fragile, Taylor is just so bad.

Kim Novak, it's just pantomime, her scenes with Taylor are agonisingly bad.

Some nice production values, the village setting is appealing. Some of the shots are quite nice.

The best segment, the black and white opening scenes, the acting of John Bennett is the best element of this film, sadly it's all downhill from here on.

I know you shouldn't compare shows, but compare this dismal film with the wonderful Joan Hickson adaptation.

Dire, 3/10.
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