What could have been.....
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of the TV series and enjoy almost all the episodes. I even introduced it to my son and we watched every episode that is currently available. I had high expectations for this movie based on the series and more so after I read reviews that is was generally well liked.

Well I think I may have watched a different movie than the people that liked this movie. My may complaint is all the musical numbers. I know the show has musical components from time to time and singing but movie was over the top. I think they may have topped Disney's musical love. Note that I am not a huge fan of musicals so my opinion is bias. The movie also felt slow, almost as though the creators were just dragging out a regular episode. I will say that I thought the mobile burger device Teddy made was really cool. It reminded me of the food truck episode which is one of my favs.

Overall, I suppose I am just disappointed that it was not a better movie. The bar was high and they fell short.
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