Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
What Can I Say Except It's Perfect?
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although this is a spoiler review, I will still refrain from spoiling too much.

This was the perfect and the saddest, and maybe even the most shocking conclusion to the events of the previous episode and season 5 to now.

Lalo outsmarting Gus in this episode and making Gus having trouble breathing because of his threat, and making him the most scared he has been in his life since Hector killed his friend in front of him was just something else.

Lalo will not only go down in history as one of the best TV villains, but he will remain the best villain in the Breaking Bad universe and the only one who scared the hell out of Gus Fring and outsmarted him till the end. Don't worry, I remember when Nacho made Gus really nervous in episode 3.

There's not much Saul in this episode but he's really good when he is, and Kim really gets to shine and also, the whole plot line of her doing what she has to do makes this episode so much more intense because we don't know her fate.

The ending made my jaw drop to the floor at first, I was shocked, and then made me cry again about Howard and what happened to him. Definitely the most tragic character in this show and perhaps one of the most tragic and heartbreaking character arcs in TV history.

That ending adds so much more subtext and lore to Breaking Bad that I'm pretty sure no one will ever watch Breaking Bad seasons 3 and 4 the same way again. And it also will definitely changes forever how we look at the controversial Fly episode from Breaking Bad, or any time they spent time in the superlab honestly.
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