Dance Academy (2010–2013)
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I started watching this about 3 years ago and am watching it again for a second time, and WOW Tara really gets on my nerves. But aside from that I love all of the characters. There's Sammy, the lovable sidekick who I absolutely adore, there's Kat, who acts like she doesn't care but really does, Christian, the bad boy ig, Ethan, Tara's first "love" and Kat's brother, Abigail, the girl who's always tryna sabotage Tara (for whatever reason), New guy Ben who is really annoying at first but then grows on you within the 3rd episode of seeing them, and then Grace, who is just kinda a psycho. This show makes your heart hurt. It's so hard to watch other people go through really hard things, but honestly this show does a really good job with all of the characters to the point that when Sammy died, I was sobbed harder than I did at my grandmas funeral. This show is so good, if ur in the edge about watching it just watch it, who will be a better person for it.
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