The Terminal List (2022– )
Almost No Politics. Just Entertainment.
10 July 2022
The Terminal List is a revenge thriller. It's not like Death Wish or John Wick, it's more military oriented, a little like Seal Team with a revenge twist.

Grades: Plot: C. Production: B. Acting: B+. Constance Wu and Taylor Kitsch had standout acting performances.

Bottom line: Dramatic moments, along with Constance Wu and Taylor Kitsch makes this show pretty good. But, best of all, like Reacher, this show (with some casting exceptions) was close to being ideologically neutral - no preachy messaging in the dialogue at least.

P. S. The dark screen/ lighting complaints is puzzling to me. If I can't see the screen, I simply turn off the lights in my living room. It's a simple fix. I have an old t.v. And had no problems.
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