Review of Aristocrats

Aristocrats (2020)
Involving Observant Japanese drama w/ keen Introspection. Lovely
9 July 2022
One of the best Japanese movies to come out in at least a decade, director Yukiko Sode's "Anoko wa Kizoku" was an engrossing and introspective journey into the lives of characters Hanako and Miki in a the beautiful city and town scapes of Japan. It is close to a masterpiece. I absolutely was mesmerized by the attention to Japanese societal subtleties and the nuances and diverging class cultures tangling up young Japanese women of the 2010's decade. Like many societies, there is a push/pull and slow change generationally, and that is on display between parents and daughter characters in terms of expectations in dialog. I particularly found co-lead Mugi Kadowaki fantastic - in no small part to the outstanding direction and script - her inner-turmoil both director and actress managed to express with powerful authenticity. Loved this movie caught on a recent flight - a true gem of character film-making and beauty.
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