The Twilight Zone: The Man in the Bottle (1960)
Season 2, Episode 2
Money isn't everything....
3 July 2022
I have always loved this episode and it has taught me since I was a young boy this: Always, ALWAYS consider the consequences of your actions BEFORE you do them.

This episode was a case study in human nature that shows the good in people. With each wish, the couple realize their lives aren't near as bad as initially thought. Their true nature of who they are was shown earlier in the episode when he gives the poor woman money he cannot spare.

By the end of the episode, you think the outcome is bad, but you see that is not the case. The couple are closer to each other than ever and they realize they can prosper in other ways that isn't just financially. This couple does win in the end. Karma in this case is a win.
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