The Fades (2011)
Entertaining but Frustrating
2 July 2022
An entertaining premise that attempts to inject a fresh supernatural teen story into the mix of bad vamp/werewolf shows. But there are 4 issues with it:

1. Nothing is ever explained. Mythology is vague. Powers are random. Ending fix is something that already existed.

2. Main character is more lifeless than the dead antagonists. Lacking that boyish geek charm that his buddy played by Daniel Kaluuya has. Plus he seems to wear the same clothes almost every ep.

3. Choppy editing, as if several explanatory scenes were left on the cutting room floor in place of the constant "vision" filler. Superpowers get displayed for the first time and characters act next scene like it's no big deal. Others leave relationships without explanation after craving same relationship for last 3 eps.

4. Villain is as scary as the teenager with really bad acne who lives down the hall from me.

The story of the two friends is a good one, I will grant that. It would have been nice if that had been written into the main plot more, to be part of the motivations, good or ill, but too much air time went to the sister, mother, and the girlfriend, none of which contributed in a major way to plot movement.
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