So disappointed did not do justice to its original drama/show
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but this Korean drama did not do any justice to the original Spanish version or the remake of that original one which was Jane the Virgin. I feel so disappointed I was so excited for this drama thinking it came from our Latin culture and even remade in the US with Latin American actors and because Korean drama are so good they totally and completely messed up on this drama. If you have even seen the original Spanish drama called Juana la virgen or Jane the virgen you know she ends up with Rafael with the baby daddy no matter what happens no matter what they go through they end up together and this drama made it seem he was stupid and A coward. They didn't even try to make them connect it looks so awkward between both of them when it was never like that in the original ones. Sorry but this drama should have never been made. I feel like they just gave a slap to the face to the true and real fans of Juana la Virgen and Jane the Virgen. You have really disappointed me.
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