Not as Bad as Many Are Making Out
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, yes, there is some bad acting, but it's mostly Hannah Khalique-Brown who, quite frankly, sounds like my teenage daughter when she's having a sulk. Mind you, the way she is treated by her line managers would be grounds for a discrimination case in most normal companies, so I'm not surprised she's a bit grumpy. The rest of the cast aren't noticeably bad, so I'm not sure why the acting is taking such a drubbing here.

As for the story, I think it's rather good. It's relevant for the time, and reasonably entertaining. It does plod on a bit, and the story probably could have been compressed into fewer episodes, but the people saying the show's boring must get their entertainment from TikTok to have such poor attention spans.

The only real complaint I have about the entire series is the rather tedious lesbian story. There really isn't much point to it, and the two female stars could easily have been just friends, without turning them into a bit of cheap titillation. However, it's doesn't overly distract from the main story, so it's not really a big deal.

Definitely worth seven stars. However, with a bit more money and effort, I would have given it a couple more.
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