The Leftovers: The Book of Nora (2017)
Season 3, Episode 8
Over-rated and disappointing
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched all three series during the last month, I am at a loss to understand the rave reviews. Is there a desire to feel superior and intellectual by claiming to revere a film or TV series that is a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual, padded out, bizarre story?

The penultimate episode of series three was a redundant, weird, nonsensical story-line like a David Lynch script written under the influence of mind-altering substances. The President of the US using his penis as a form of identification?

This show purported to be a serious depiction of the results of the disappearance of 2% of the population and how it affected those who remained, Sadly, most of the characters were unsympathetic, unappealing and foul-mouthed, making it difficult to identify with any of them - an essential quality for any film or TV series. Bizarre dreams, visions and flashbacks did nothing to help the narrative flow or the viewing experience.

Having watched The Sopranos, The Americans. Justified, Deadwood, Prison Break and Longmire, to name a few quality shows, I found The Leftovers hard going, especially after Series One - It was only stubborn determination that enabled me to complete the Box-Set.

I guess we all have to make up our own minds and treat User Reviews with caution. I have found that many seem to review political content/bias, degree of PC , wokeness, etc, while ignoring the quality or entertainment value of the show/film..
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