Bones: The Past in the Present (2012)
Season 7, Episode 13
"then you shoot him through the eyeball"
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, wow, wow, what another great Bones season finale. There is just so much that happened in this episode. Of course, Palent is back, because he is our big bad serial killer this season. Personally, I love the Palent story line. I think the character is so interesting because he seems impossible to beat. I think it makes the show even better when the characters really have to try and out smart a killer. The big twist for this episode is that Bones is framed as the murderer by Palent. This obviously causes a lot of tension and puts pressure on the Jeffersonian team.

Special shout out to Angela, who was willing to make up an alibi for Bones just to keep her from being framed. Of course, it is bad to lie about alibis, but for the purpose of the show, I loved it. A tear came to my eye when Angela was like "remember, we were having drinks at the Founding Fathers." Ugh, such a sweet moment for the two of them.

When I saw Cam and Wendall cutting into the bone without a mask to retrieve the tip of the needle I was so worried. Like, come on, Cam was sent to the hospital in season 2 by a serial killer because she cut into into bone willy nilly. On top of that, we are dealing with Palent, you know, the guy that wrote a virus on bone and rearticulated a spine. If he can do that, he could probably put something dangerous in the bone. I just feel like a mask would have been at least a good protective step.

I also loved Bones' comment to Wendall "perhaps you are the murderer," I just love that even though people are starting to consider her as a suspect she is still able to crack jokes.

Also, love that we got to see Caroline this episode!! Her little comments always crack me up (which is why I put her best line of the episode as the title of my post).

We finish off the episode with Bones and Booth baptizing Christine at a church. While that was happening we saw Palent creeping around their house. I thought it was really sweet that Bones went to this, even though she is an atheist. Of course, Max gets involved and helps Bones run away. By biggest issue with this is that Bones takes Christine. Like why are you putting your child in danger by taking her on the run with you? Does Bones take her because her parents abandoned her as a child and she doesn't want to do the same thing to her daughter? Even if this is the case, while I appreciate the sentiment, I think it is just a poor parenting choice. Plus Booth looked so devastated when he saw the love of his life and his daughter drive off without him.

Overall, I think this is such a good episode and a good season finale!! I know some other reviewers think the tech is unreasonable but that did not bother me one bit, what with this being a fictional tv show about murders and serial killers. 10/10

Best part: the way Booth looks at Bones before Bones runs away, it's the look of true love

Funniest part: Max creepin' in the background when Bones and Booth were in Christine's bedroom

Worst part: Palent walking around Bones and Booth's house, ugh this gives off major creepy vibes. The scene where Palent looks into the camera that is in Christine's room haunts me to this day and it is the image I think of when I think of the Palent storyline.
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