Review of Aoashi

Aoashi (2022)
It's... good?
27 June 2022
I'm mid-season (episode 12) and I'm still not sure if I like this show. The protagonist is your typical dumb obnoxious kid that has a lot of potential to become a professional football player but ironically doesn't really know how to play with teammates and lacks all kinds of basic skills. He's given the opportunity to play in one of the best school teams in Tokyo after the team's coach sees him play.

In theory it sounds great but in reality it follows the same pattern many other shows have already overdone: protagonist can't do something, people make him feel dumb and useless for it, protagonist has a mystical revelation and does something "amazing" in a crucial moment, outsiders have a 10 minute commentary about it, etc. Rinse and repeat.

Hopefully this is only the beginning and the show gets less repetitive in the second half of the season. It's pretty good tho'.
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