Westworld: The Auguries (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
The Auguries
27 June 2022
It's now been two years since the third season of HBO's "Westworld" grazed our screens and showed just how far the show had veered off course. I was ready for the show to be over, but another season had already been commissioned, and because I was a big fan earlier, I felt like watching it. "The Auguries" starts off the season by reintroducing us to some characters that we know, while also showing us how the world has changed since the ending of Season 3. It's an interesting world and while the episode lacked some action, it did show us something fascinating down the line.

I wish that the show would have stayed in its original lane and still be set inside the parks, but it has decided to grow beyond that and turn into something way different. The third season had a clear point that it wanted to make from the beginning, and the biggest criticism about this episode is that I'm feeling any real direction. The episode works very well as a season opener if its only job is to create tension and some vague idea of a story, but it's not enough to really keep my interest going. I'll continue to watch the show because I want to see where these characters end up, plus I have some big questions that I want answered. The episode gives us an idea of where the characters we know have ended up, and Evan Rachel Wood is still in the show playing a different character, and how that character ties in with Dolores is going to, hopefully, be revealed down the line. I like that the episode is setting up Ed Harris to be the show's main antagonist again. He took a weird turn in the last season, wanting to be a good guy all of a sudden. This seems more in his lane, and another example of how the show works best when it sticks true to its roots. Of course, I don't want it to just retreat the old storylines, but it seems like they may be cooking up something that will redeem themselves from the third season.

"The Auguries" is a good episode on its own, but I'm unsure of how good it will be in the bigger picture once its revealed. The season could go in many different directions, and I'm not sure what it's trying to tell here, but I'm at least vaguely intrigued enough to continue on with it.
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