Jurassic World Dominion
27 June 2022
After a slew of underwhelming sequels, the Jurassic Park franchise "finally" concludes with a film that somewhat fails to stick the landing. Being a longtime fan of the franchise as a whole, one of the most enjoyable aspects of this film was the unison of old and new characters. The portrayals of the characters were charismatic, and the eventual dynamic between these actors will undoubtedly bring a smile to any viewer's face. The visuals are also well done, with a notable combination of practical and computer effects. However, with all the flashy callbacks to previous films, visuals, and characters, the plot is what truly butchers the overall experience. Damage control from the sins of the previous film was at full capacity, desperately trying to justify the idiotic choices and twists that made the previous so infuriating. The plot is convoluted, trying too hard to give each of its large cast a piece of screen time and untimely forgetting to incorporate the true stars of the film, the dinosaurs. The film constantly focuses on useless subplots that bore and confuse rather than entertain. The villain of the film feels forced and contrived, copying and pasting from previous films and making no logical sense in the development of the overall series of films. The premise the film advertises is barely touched upon and deprives the audience of the most interesting aspect of the film. The logic is comparable to that of a Saturday morning cartoon, begging the audience to suspend disbelief for the stupidity that occurs. Overall, despite the aspects of the film that were done admirably, the baggage that came along in order to make it possible was eye-rolling and a definitive reason as to why this franchise should be laid to rest.
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