BoJack Horseman: That's Too Much, Man! (2016)
Season 3, Episode 11
Amazing episode
27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've never written a review before, but upon rewatch, this is my favorite episode of TV ever. I've seen amazing shows and this is #1.

I like how they got rid of all the filler that most episodes of tv shows have and just boiled it down so they could fit this months long bender into one 30 minute episode. If this show had an hour long episode, this could've been it.

This episode is where everything changes for Bojack. Minutes before the ending, he has one of his last conversations with Sarah Lynn. They talk about how they have a real bond. Their relationship is unique and very strong. While it does creep me out that Bojack said he loved her because of their age difference, a character isn't great without flaws.

The episode poses the question, what would've happened if everything was ok after the bender? While it would make sense to think that Bojack and Sarah Lynn would have a better relationship and that the two would've learned a lot, it is more realistic to believe that they would've just drifted apart.

Still, the episode is phenomenal. This is where everything is lost in Bojack. He has reached rock bottom and the saddest part is that he never climbed back. This episode made me cry a lot.
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