Robot story needs a lot of credulity
25 June 2022
Brian is a rural loner, junk scavenger, hoarder, handyman, tinkerer, and inventor (the results of which are not commercially viable). At one point he builds a robot, which comes alive and sentient, and accepts the name Charles. While Charles read the dictionary and is a font of knowledge, he is emotionally somewhere between a 3-year-old and a teenager. Charles has about the opposite personality to Brian - inquisitive and adventurous, rather than private and secure. I feel that their relationship is more overprotective parent and child, rather than "friends". While Charles manages to help Brian get a real girl, things get dangerous when he comes to the attention of the town bully.

This is told (at least in part) as a mockumentary, with a brief interchange with a mockmentary crew member about AI, which Brian seems to be hazy about. That is well and good (and needed) when Brian is alone, but where is the crew when he interacts with more people? Also, Brian turns out to be an inadequate parent, giving Charles commands rather than information and reasoning. So these defects push my score down to a 6.

This is a Welsh film, and so has a different sensibility than a stereotype American film. It is more gentle, and even the violence is rather muted, which could be a draw for some people.
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