Burning Bridges (1990 TV Movie)
24 June 2022
At 1:12:44 Meredith Baxter's character "Lyn" cries out "I WON'T LIVE WITHOUT PASSION" and it made cry when I first watched this movie in 1990. I related to "Lyn's"pain so much. MB brought to life the reality of lacking love in a stale marriage, the loss of a forbidden love & then no more options of any kind of relationship. The movie BURNING BRIDGES is still so powerful today! I am now 56 yrs old & alone and this movie, MB's performance resonates just as much! Anyone who is going through a loss of self will be redeemed by this movie. Powerful theme, powerful performances. Such a shame this picture has never been seen by the masses. MEREDITH BAXTER has always been a good actress but in this movie she is GREAT!
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