I have a thing to say about Bulgarian representation...
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself is great.

We're specifically talking about culture representation. Really appreciate the idea, Balkans are iconic, must have done this a while ago. BUT... 1) where were real traditional Bulgarian foods? We're talking banitsa, Bulgarian yoghurt, Shopska salad, sirene, kashkaval, turshia, kompot, tarator???? They had so much material, yet they've stick to the bratvurst in a pot. I guarantee you, NEVER in my life have I seen a chicken foot being served as a snack in Bulgaria. NEVER. Sorry do disappoint, but we are normal people.

2) the granny said 2-3 Bulgarian phrases and I (as a Bulgarian) could not understand ANYTHING of it. I wondered why but then i found out that - guess what? THE VOICE ACTOR IS FREAKING BRITAIN! She just forced an accent and said some words she couldn't even pronounce anywhere near right.

Sorry, that's not how it's done. Creators haven't researched a thing about Bulgaria, they just needed some random Balkan country to do the job. To say they're exclusive. Pretty sure if she was Serbian for example it would all be the same except for the little flag on the wall. So offensive and so disappointing.
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