Too much drama, too little fighting
20 June 2022
The series starts fine, giant mechs fighting against giants bugs called BETA, people are dying there is war going on. That is the first and second episode. After that there is a lot of anime girls in latex suits, bunch of emotional teenage drama, petty conflicts between the anime kids and almost no action.

The combat is not the focus of this series, which is what I have expected. There has been a test of a super weapon which was crazy in effectiveness and has been used only once in one episode.

Literally the whole series is just a bunch of drama, excluding beginning and ending of the series.

I cannot understand this, why would you make a show such as this, so much talking and character development and in the end the humanity struggle against BETA has been completely forgotten, and humans fought against some other humans for some reasons of equality of refugees.

Animation is superb, graphics excellent, but too much talking and needless philosophical battles. In the end I ended up watching the show at 4x speed or just skipping huge dialogue sections..

Could have been so much better if there was less teenage drama and much more combat against BETA.
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