The Start of a Great Series!
19 June 2022
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera (Known as Bill and Joe by a large part of their fans) were a duo made up of these same ones, they had just come from working with Harman and Ising since the mid-30s, until they got tired of the same thing and decided get their ideas together for a cartoon directed by themselves, obviously they were from their first cartoons so Rudolf Ising (then being a bigger name) produced the cartoon and was the only one with screen credit, luckily Bill and Joe started from Good way to their Careers with a Great Oscar Nomination!.

Tom and Jerry, perhaps the most Insanely Violent Cartoon of all time, But in a certain way one of the most Influential, this one had its beginning when Bill and Joe left Harman & Ising to make their own cartoons, they could not have made a better decision! Here they apply some Disney-style techniques with a Much Slower Humor and a More Moderate Pace than Usual, the cartoon can feel boring at times due to its extreme duration for a Tom and Jerry cartoon, the usual is 6-7 Minutes, but no!, this one lasts 9 Minutes!, but it really is very enjoyable because it has many more positive qualities than just being the beginning of the duo.

Tom (here called Jasper) Torments an Adorable Mouse, Jerry (his name is not known in this Cartoon, but some animators during the production of the short baptized him as Jinx) Jerry Manages to get rid of Tom's Malicious Tricks and makes his dream (The Great and Memorable Mammy Two Shoes) makes an appearance and scolds and tells Tom that if he breaks anything else in the house, he will leave it! Jerry does not miss the opportunity and makes life hell of Tom in this strange but really interesting cat and mouse adventure!.

The Short coming from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at its Best is not expected to have a Glorious Traditional Animation, and so it is!, the cartoon has an excellent animation (and even to the degree of Disney) which is a complete visual pleasure as well as the nice colors used, Tom and Jerry Primary Designs look a bit rudimentary, a bit weird but they really look great!, Tom looks more like a Real Cat but that makes him look a bit Ugly in some scenes, Jerry had a very Disney-style appearance but he is quite similar and pleasant to the Normal Jerry, but as I said, The Animation is Incredible and Bill Hanna's Excellent Coordination makes this Cartoon a complete audiovisual odyssey.

Scott Bradley, yes, the person I haven't stopped mentioning in my reviews, this man composed most of the Cat and Mouse shorts (he didn't write just 1 short from the Hanna Barbera era, the rest he did,) here he does not show his abilities to create fun music and his music is not frenetic, but it is pleasant and fun, he has a casual style, typical of the late 30s, a bit of violins and that's it!, very good music although it lacks a little energy.

Puss Gets The Boot marked a before and after in Bill and Joe's career, and throughout Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in general!, a Cartoon that presented the cat and mouse duo in a good way, a true nominee for Oscar, although he lost his award, does not take away the influence of this cartoon, this same along with other Warner Bros cartoons, helped to eliminate the Main Genre of Cartoons, and although very good, the Disney Musicals were already becoming excessive and this cartoon helped to strengthen the Slapstick genre after having gone unnoticed in the 30s! Although very little violence, the violence shown in the cartoon is necessary to be called a normal episode of Tom and Jerry, it does not come to the cruel and petty, but not to the Docile and Boring either.

In itself, Puss Gets The Boot was an Ideal Start for this cartoon, there is good animation and music, as well as excellent direction from Bill and Joe, the Characters are still in their primary Designs and Personalities but they are really quite similar to the current ones, I liked the slow pace of the cartoon, it starts frantically with a couple of good gags and then takes a break so that the End goes back to the Initial Fun!, that how a cartoon should be done, a decent pace accompanied by a good development of history, and although that was not very respected by the following Cartoons, they at least made up for it with Good scenes and Memorable gags!.

Finally, now my final verdict, despite its slow pace, Puss Gets The Boot has enough positive qualities to highlight and entertain, it has good animation and fantastic music, Mammy for some may be racist, but it is certainly a secondary character That does not affect, in general it is not the best of the series, but it is a good start that was accompanied by a series of much better short films in later years!.
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