Mediocre plot - overcompensated by nostalgia
15 June 2022
I was skeptic when I saw the first trailer. This movie genuinely looked like fun but as I suspected... it fell on its face.

I'm going to keep this review short. It's a very mediocre plot that we've seen done hundreds of times. The fact it was produced by Disney meant we got our nostalgic filled references to countless properties but that's just not enough... it DOES make fun of itself which is good and some of the issues that Hollywood is facing but I'm sure this is going to fly over many of the viewers heads and date itself fast.

I watched it a few times, by myself and with others - the humor is very dry and meta. It's a movie that tries to make fun of all of these troupes, which it succeeds well in for those who get it but that's about it...

Wish I could say more. Talents were severely underused, and this movie played it safe.
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