Zombie Rampage (II) (1992 Video)
Low-Budget Voodoo Zombies!
14 June 2022
This film begins with a fight breaking out between two rival gangs ending in the death of the brother of one of the gang leaders named "Tommy" (Dave Byerly). Needless to say, this upsets Tommy--to the point that he spends most of his gang's money on a book that the seller promises will bring his brother back from the grave. Unfortunately, the rival gang leader "Rokko" (Roger Williams) learns of this and decides to purchase another copy of the book from that same seller in order to raise his own army of the dead--mistakenly thinking that they will follow his orders. Meanwhile, a serial killer is also going around murdering women and he is operating in the same location as these two rival gangs. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that there were so many things wrong with this film that it's really hard to mention all of them. For starters, the picture quality is rather hazy, and the movie suffered from poor lighting throughout the course of the film. The action sequences were amateurish, the script needed serious improvement and the acting was equally bad. Likewise, the lack of character development made it extremely difficult to figure out the identities of all but a few of the characters. In addition to that, the makeup was pretty much hit-and-miss with some of the zombies looking passable enough while others required much more attention to detail. Similarly, some of the gore aspects were done quite well while others were much too basic. Be that as it may, considering all of the faults just mentioned, I cannot in good conscience recommend this film to anyone other than serious zombie enthusiasts and I have rated it accordingly.
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