Not perfect but a lot of fun
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Written 36 hours after seeing the movie. Firstly, the criticisms: some of the actors feel like they're not really giving it their all. In the early stages of the movie, Isabella Sermon and, shockingly, Sam Neill are particularly underwhelming. Secondly, the ill-conceived notion of a romantic relationship between Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler is a complete disaster. There is no sexual chemistry between the characters and trying to fabricate it is probably the cause of Neill's awkward and stilted performance. Finally, and this is a strange complaint; there are too many dinosaurs in this movie. Almost every action sequence has a different creature feature and they start to blur. I'd start by cutting the pyroraptor, the dimetrodons and the therazinosaurus and see how that looks. The baby ceratopsian puppets are rubbery and unconvincing.

The plus points: this movie is a lot of fun and the Maltese scenes in particular are excellent. Every single character has a well planned conclusion to his or her arc, especially Henry Wu's redemption. There are multiple small references to previous movies and they're all really entertaining. I'm sure I'll pick up on a few more when I see it again.
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