Merrick (I) (2017)
Bleak dystopian French SF movie
11 June 2022
After the fall of society. The French are still here! A slight witticism as they are no light-hearted moments in this movie.

A plague has destroyed France and possibly the world. One man walks tall Merrick an ex-boxer. He befriends a teen and they have adventures together. So it is like a father-daughter relationship. It is about them trying to eke out a living in this destroyed world.

It is a foreign language so unless you speak French you will need to read the subtitles.

This is a bleak movie where nothing really good happens to the characters. It is well acted throughout but it can be slightly hard to follow in some of the later scenes, perhaps I was not reading the subtitles fast enough.

Well worth watching this micro-budget movie.
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