Avoid Like the Plague
10 June 2022
Life once found a way. Now, I hope it loses itself.

Jurassic World Dominion has its positives, namely the fantastic Legacy character's wonderful return and, well, that's it. I enjoyed their presence, especially Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum - the latter who had the best lines, as always. The rest...yeah, I sincerely hope this is the last Jurassic Anything.

All throughout this movie, the word "Dumb" just kept popping up in my head. Dumb script. Dumb dialogue. Dumb luck with all the hilariously impossible coincidences. Too many Dumb references to this series and other Steven Spielberg classics. And the two Dumbest characters in the franchise are back: Clone Girl Maisie who hates all mankind for her decision in the last entry and that screaming boy, Franklin, though, THANK GOD, he doesn't scream in this one like all the scenes he ruined in the last one.

With a huge missed opportunity to expand on the actual title of Jurassic World, this hopefully last chapter just has society dealing with dinos killing people and the economy while debating if they should be extinguished. But, never mind that, this series has always been around greed and the ineptest baddie of the franchise with the most hilariously bad security detail is up to no good and only our 1,500 heroes in this movie can stop him!

While the second half is monstrously better than the first half, I still couldn't wait for this movie to be over. Sure, it's better than the two worst sequels: III and Fallen Kingdom, but not by much. Like the Terminator, this franchise should've stopped at #2 in The Lost World.

The movie's absolutely boring, even with multiple action scenes and there are literally no stakes. In fact, I was always hoping throughout the first two acts, they'd have the balls to kill off any of the characters. As much as I would love to see the Legacy characters make it - forgetting about the new Jurassic World characters, never liked them much - at least the movie would've taken chances.

I'm done with this series. Like Transformers 4 and Pirates of the Caribbean 4, even if they make another one (like they did with those franchises,) I won't be watching another one. This was just crap.


Final Thoughts: Easy listing of the Series. Hint: Only watch the 1st three listed below.

1. Jurassic Park

2. The Lost World: Jurassic Park

3. Jurassic World

97. Jurassic World Dominion

98. Jurassic Park III

99. Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.
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