The Deep End (2022)
Mary Bosworth AKA Teal Swan
9 June 2022
This is one of the grimmest and most dangerous cult leaders out there IMO since she promotes suicide and seem incredibly mentally disturbed herself, but is charismatic enough to draw many others in.

Bosworth claims to have been part of a "Mormon Satanic cult" and been repeatedly raped as a child, even sewn up inside a dead body. Besides the lurid bigotry, her claims will obviously draw in many who were abused, as well as cause many to overlook the ridiculousness and falseness of what she says. There are no violent Satanic cults. That's been constantly debunked by the FBI every year since the early 80s.

Quite a few sites out there devoted to debunking her and warning others.

The gucci guru inside teal swans posh cult Teal Swan, an emerging cult leader, claims she is a multi-dimensional Arcturian alien working with 11 other aliens in an "intergalactic Green Peace" type organization....

jessicaschab I was contacted by Cameron Clark, a former follower of Teal who had lived with her and was very traumatized by her experience. Among many things, Teal Swan tried to talk her into committing suicide....

amoraobscura Teal either lied about traveling to and living in eight different countries by the age of 20, or she lied about enduring 13 years of ritual abuse. Or she lied about both...
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