Star Trek: The Deadly Years (1967)
Season 2, Episode 12
Not long for this world, or any other.
7 June 2022
I'm at that stage in life where I'm starting to show signs of wear and tear, so watching Kirk and his crewmates rapidly age after being exposed to radiation from a comet is quite uncomfortable viewing (even if the old-age make-up is a bit rubbish). Kirk develops dementia and arthritis, McCoy goes grey and wrinkly, Spock's usually acute mind is a little slower, Scotty look terrible, and Lt. Galway has seen far better days. It's a reminder that getting old can be really sucky (although Shatner in his 90s still has all his faculties and is doing things that most of us only dream of).

After several instances where Kirk's ability to command is called into question, a competency hearing is convened, which results in the captain being relieved of duty by Commodore Stocker (Charles Drake). However, the commodore's inexperience at the helm leads to a stand-off with the Romulans after the Enterprise violates a neutral zone.

After the intriguing set up, The Deadly Years stagnates: half of the episode is spent watching the characters deteriorate, which soon gets old (badum tish!), while the competency hearing simply retreads what we have already seen. Kirk's return to youthfulness and good health after an injection of adrenaline is nothing short of miraculous, the rejuvenated captain bounding onto the bridge to avert disaster by using the Corbomite maneuver, a lazy resolution from the writers.
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