Vampire Clay (2017)
Just when you think you've seen everything...
6 June 2022
This 2017 Japanese horror movie was definitely unique, I will say that much.

When I sat down in 2022 to watch the 2017 Japanese horror movie "Chi O Sû Nendo" (aka "Vampire Clay") it was without ever having heard about the movie. But my preference for horror movies and Asian cinema made me give writer and director Sôichi Umezawa's 2017 movie a chance.

The storyline is pretty far out there. Sure the movie gets points for being original, but at the same time the storyline was just so far fetched and somewhat stupid that it also took away from the atmosphere and overall enjoyment of the movie. I mean, sculpting clay that comes alive to consume blood and flesh and take on physical form? Sure, why not, I suppose. I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as "Chi O Sû Nendo", I just wasn't particularly enjoying it.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, but I have to say that the actors and actresses definitely put on good enough performances, despite of me not enjoying the script and plot.

For a horror movie then "Chi O Sû Nendo" just didn't satisfy my horror needs, so it was a dull and somewhat pointless horror experience for me.

My rating of "Chi O Sû Nendo" lands on a three out of ten stars, simply because it was hard to take vampiric sculpting clay serious as a dangerous killing entity.
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