The Lost City (2022)
A 'dumb-it-down' action/comedy...
5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Full of clichés.

Brad Pitt was in it a little longer than George Clooney's appearance in 'A thin red line'.... From the moment it starts, you'll know how this will end if you're smart enough.

Nothing new here.

A very dull "action", comedy.

It has some "Adventure" and is mainly focused on Sandra and Channing, non-stop. Dialogue, after dialogue, with cuts back to their manager doing absolutely nothing helpful.

The trailer makes it look like they'll be on a non-stop action thrill ride, Indiana Jones-esque style, which is definitely NOT the case.

It has some decent shots and a couple giggles. If you're looking for a fun adventure flick, this isn't it.
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