Didn't get one thing right. The Average American has been getting worse off steading since 1960s because the country went the wrong way.
4 June 2022
Its quite obvious since our country has directed itself to the left, and gone largely the same way that Europe has, we have been getting poorer, and have less freedom and opportunity. In 1960 the average citizen, even with no education had a house, 2 vehicles, was able to support a spouse and family on one income. Things were unimaginably better. Homicide rate was much lower in fact. We have been going steadily downhill, and now, the average American rents a hovel, even 2 incomes cane barely afford a family, and we just own 1 vehicle, and barely have enough in the bank to last a couple of months. First and foremost we need to know the direction we thought off as progressive is regressive. Our mental health and health in general is going downhill as well. Suicide rate is rising. Drug abuse is rising. 70% of Americans are over weight, 40% are obsess, and our life expectancy has actually gone downhill.

Lest look at what we have done to try and improve things; Minimum wage increases, Unions, body positivity, insane amount t of immigration....what has this done for us? Made us poor, made us unhealthy, made us unhappy. Look at our education system. We pay on average 10X more per student for education then other countries. The tax payer is paying far too much, and yet, we are the 37th in ratings. In the 1960's we were ranked at 2. Then Carter created the Depot of Education. Then came the Teachers Union. Now we have kids who cant even read, but who are spending a huge part of their free time wondering what gender they are, and what a flag for it might look like. Math is one of the hardest hit subjects. The improvements in how we teach Math have not improved our students. Just the opposite.

The simplest thing to do when you realize youre going down the wrong path is to backtrack. I suggest we do exactly that. Because we know what this will lead to. It will lead to a global community where all people live like a 3rd world country, with a small cabal of elites who get to drive, own large homes, and have an armed security to protect them. The rest of us will take public transportation( believe me, there is almost nothing more demeaning, and nothing that takes away your independence quite as much as not owning your transportation) rent little hovels packed like sardines in skyscrapers (so if food shortages come, we will not even have a way to grow a potato), an open border so no country will be able to give opportunities to its citizens, because as soon as they try, people from everywhere will come and take. And we will probably not even be allowed to complain. There will certainly be a social credit score.
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