Both compelling and unsatisfying
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Although the concept of this film is the ambiguity over a woman's guilt or innocence -- am I the only viewer who felt the evidence of her guilt was overwhelming? And therefore the "inconclusive" ending was unconvincing and undermined the whole film. The Rachel character possesses toxic seeds and she refuses to drink a presumably poisoned tea she's made for Phillip; she seduces young Phillip before turning on him once he hands his estate over to her; it's proven that she lies constantly; and most of all (not emphasized in the movie) neither she nor her lawyer inform her dead husband's family of his death -- that's just completely unbelievable that a presumably loving (and innocent) wife not inform the family! And yet -- somehow the excellent acting, changing scenarios and atmospheric settings draw you in. You may be left feeling that its illogic really didn't add up to a "did she or didn't she" plot, but it's an enjoyable watch getting there.
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