Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022– )
Obi-Wan Kenobi- Show Review
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Long-Awaited Obi-Wan Kenobi show is now out on Disney+ and its getting VERY Mixed Reviews! As for me, it's a pretty enjoyable show. I really enjoy the whole Leia storyline in the first two episodes, and just seeing Ewan McGregor portray Kenobi again is a win, as he does a wonderful job in the show. BUT it did NOT live up to the Hype I had for it, as it had some characters and roles that I felt didn't really match with the world of Star Wars, and the chase scenes were sort of sloppy, though they were still very fun to watch on screen! The first episode is a bit slow in the pacing and setting up the story, but when it gets to Episode 2, it is so AWESOME in the action scenes and fights! I loved seeing Kenobi fight, even if it wasn't for very long. Some fights felt a little forced and rushed. But overall, Obi-Wan Kenobi is a enjoyable show, but not what I was expecting though I am really looking forward to Episode 3 and Beyond. One reason I am is to see Darth Vader fighting with Kenobi. The end of Episode 2 showed us the reaction of Kenobi finding out Anakin was alive, and then we get a shot of Anakin!

EPISODE THREE REVIEW: Holy Moley... this episode was AMAZING! Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi's fight is enough to boost this one up beyond the other episodes, but the story develops and turns into the show that we want. But I do have to say, Reva is sort of emotionless. All her goal and motivation is is to capture Kenobi. Like, we get no backstory or any personality from her, but just seeing Vader back in the Star Wars Universe was SO GREAT.. and the fight... Oh My God, is that fight LOOKIN AMAZING! We end off the episode with Reva reaching Leia, which gets me intrigued for the next episode, which if it's as good as this one: This show could be one of the best Star Wars Add-Ons of the New Era.

EPISODE FOUR: This episode was GREAT! It had a dark start with Kenobi healing from what happened in last week's episode and we also saw the heartbreaking reaction from Leia when she found out Kenobi was dead.. which of course he wasn't. For me, the episode was like a Break-In Thriller as many characters were attempting to break into Reva's secret base and save Leia. It was really good in my opinion, though there are some Negatives, and the biggest one for this episode, and the show, is that Obi-Wan feels underrated in his own show. The lead character feels like Reva, who's pretty emotionless, though as a villain she can be so cruel, as in this episode she was about to kill the Ten-Year Old Leia for some information. Overall, I wish the last two episodes focus more on Kenobi. The ending with Darth Vader was pretty great... just because it's Vader... who doesn't like seeing Vader. And the actual ending ENDING with Leia and Kenobi on the ship was pretty wholesome. All in all, a great episode and I can't wait for the final two.

EPISODE FIVE: One of the best setup episodes in Star Wars TV, and what it does with all the characters, giving them all spotlight and time to shine, it's really great. When I rewatched Last Week's Episode.... it wasn't nearly as good as I described it to be, but this episode I've seen twice now.. and it's great! We also get a complete character study for Reva, who I didn't find to be a good character but this episode really did give her emotion and depth and the fight she had with Vader with the Lightsabers was intense... and awesome! I seriously CANNOT WAIT for the Final Episode NEXT WEEK!

FINALE: Almost perfect. This episode tugs at the heartstrings many times, and the huge fight in this is Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan Kenobi... and that FRICKING DUEL WAS SO GOOD! The way the Lighthsabers flash, and how they are just so fed up and angry. And also... the scene with Kenobi and the rocks, and how he gets himself out of the rubble by thinking of Leia... OH MY LORD... THAT WAS AWESOME! Though it was a bit short, it was impactful and it ended the streak of Disney+ Shows having a rushed finale, because nothing about this felt rushed to me. The scenes with Owen and Luke were pretty good, and Reva's character had a nice payoff.
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