The Rookie: Day in the Hole (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
Why so stupid.
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I can accept most of the Nolan storyline plotholes because this show is not too realistic and always tend to make Nolan a supercop. So I can accept that the bad guy minions are really bad at their job, and that Nolan half-brother just decided to join him in a desolated motel, and that the sheriff decided to go on vacation without leaving the armory key to his deputy. At least the story was fun and I always love Tudyk and Fillion together.

But the Lucy and Tim part? Awful. Not one but two dopplegangers was beyond stupid. Also unnecessary. They could have both of them playing undercover characters, so we could see them with a different, weird look and shippers can have them kiss and all that. But there was no need of the doppleganger nonsense. And then, the story is not finished. Are we going to see its closure next season? It was weird how they just stopped telling that story in the middle of it, while nicely wrapping the Nolan one. It is as if they could not decide if finishing the season with a cliffhanger or not.
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