Hamilton (2020)
OMG it's boring
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect to like it much but wow it's boring!

I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not American so the founding of the country is not that interesting to me.

Added to that, I don't like hip-hop ... and the lyrics are so simplistic and the pace does not leave you time to get invested.

Changing the ethnicity of the characters means they the few that I already knew, I would not recognize them...

One particular thing to watching it on Disney+: the reactions of the audience were so annoying.

They laughed at the hint of a joke or at things that are not remotely funny.

An example would be one character (don't even know the name and I'm watching right now) saying "I heard you had someone on the side, Burr." and the audience laughed like it was a very good joke... What?!

I'm so happy I didn't spend money to see this live when I visited the US (though I went to see Aladdin, which was not good either, though better than this. I loved School Of Rock though).
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