Diligent research proves that this chipmunk duo . . .
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . was named after a pack of exotic male dancers performing "off-the-books" in the seedy West Coast Underground around the time of "Chip an Dale's" inception. This eventually led to decades of copyright infringement suits, arson and worse, as the gyrating but scantily clad men tussled with the Dizzy Mega Corporation for control of the Chips. In a decision reminiscent of the Judgment of Solomon, the Supreme Court finally awarded the guys the brats, leaving Dizzy bereft of everything except the nuts. FOOD FOR FEUDING features the latter attribute, anyway. This Dizzy Nature Film is another example of the movie makers over-simplifying a STEM lesson. Chipmunks ACTUALLY eat lots of grass, fungi, insects, frogs, worms, bird eggs, wheat, barley, carrots, radishes, onions and celery. Popeye may have thrived primarily on spinach, but chipmunks do NOT live on acorns alone!
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