The Fugitive: Never Wave Goodbye: Part 2 (1963)
Season 1, Episode 5
This close to a clean getaway
23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We resume our tale with Gerard using the matchstick to track down Kimble's whereabouts. Karen is tipped off to Gerard's impending arrival and tells Dick they need to scram. But Dick gets the idea to fake his death at sea and trick Gerard into giving up his search. This is highly similar to what Dexter did over 40 years later. Coincidence? Before they can put their plan into action, Gerard meets Tom Hagen, Kimble's hostile co-worker at Luscious Lars Sails R Us, and wants to get some info. Hagen says he doesn't have time, but Gerard tells him to make time, consigliere, and shows Tom Kimble's wanted poster. Tom says there is a guy who works with him who looks like that, but the guy has black hair. That doesn't fool Gerard. Kimble should grow a beard or use some hillbilly teeth or something. Gerard almost runs into Kimble at the sail shop, but Dick is too slick. Karen easily convinces Kimble to take her along, and they sail into a convenient fog. Dexter really did rip this off. They attract some fake looking sharks and make a strong case that they met a gruesome end. They convince the coast guard and almost get Gerard to buy into it as well, but Hagen blurts out that there may be a raft on Kimble's boat. The captain decides that anyone on that boat is shark bait and wants to go back, but the pesky Gerard gets his own raft and goes into the ocean like a mad fool. Kimble and Karen reach safety and are this close to getting away when they take a last look at the ocean and see Gerard, who is about to crash his raft on some rocks. Karen wants to leave and Kimble does too, but he took that darn doctor's oath to help people. Maybe he should have become a dentist. He goes back to save Gerard's life for the first of FIVE times! Karen stays with Gerard until help gets there, as Gerard promises he won't charge her with anything, and Kimble sadly runs away.
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