Hex (1973)
Awesome for its badness
23 May 2022
When HEX began, three things struck me. First, how incredibly pointless were the first scenes. Second, how the music score for the credits was incredibly jarring and loud. Third, I looked on the IMDB trivia and it said that the film was made in 1971 but sat on the shelf for two years and was also cut and recut... a clear sign the film was a s**tstorm. Holding a film for release it's a kiss of death with few exceptions.

In 1919 (soon after the war ended) a group of pilots and a woman (Whizzer, Golly, Jimbang, Chupo, Giblets and China) becomes motorcyclist and goes to California for seeking their fortunes. In rural Nebraska they are challenged to a race by a hot rodder. The result is disputed and they go in a farm owned by two sisters. Giblets (Gary Busey) tries to r**e Acacia that manages to escape, but her sister Oriole puts a curse on him; soon we see Giblets wandering at night where an owl attacks him taking his eyes out. After China goes missing other strange events occur such as Jimbang (Scott Glenn) that tries to shoot Oriole but the gun kills him instead, Whizzer killing Chupo in the barn with a sickle, Oriole that stabs a toad and kills also China because the toad had some hair in his mouth and many more I thankfully forgot.

The acting was amateurish by everyone. While you can't certainly blame Gary Busey and Scott Glenn as they were still making their bones, you can't forgive the others as they have a laziness comparable only to that of the TWILIGHT franchise actors. The soundtrack was all over the place, as they were the direction, photography and pacing: it looked like they knew they had a bad movie in their hands and simply didn't care to improve it in any way.

So, despite my reservations about the acting, the two year delay and the horrible beginning, is there something that makes this movie worth seeing? Well, considering its score of 4,5 it's unlikely I'd recommend it to anyone that soon. Do yourself a favor - don't watch this film. Even for someone who occasionally watches bad movies (like me) it's not worth it - unless they are masochists. And I gave it a 2 only because there wasn't that much blood nor gory scenes.
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