One of the best movie made for Internet
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dick figures the movie is based to Dick figures an amazing web series that is now cancelled and it's quite a shame.

This movie tells a crazy story, that doesn't make very sense but it's totally with the vibes of the series so it's kind of okay even if some things could be better about the plot.

Red and Blue are two friends that are pretty different and not very in the same way of living and thinking. Red is an alcohol addict, that likes chicks and he is very sexist and he is acting like a jerk and a teenager. Blue is more calm and serious than Blue but he can be really badass like in the end of the movie.

The movie opens with how Red and Blue met each other, so basically they met in Elementary school when they were 6. Red fought all people that were bullying Blue to maybe protect him? The first fight is really epic like all fights in the movie.

The plot is not perfect, is perfectly enjoyable but some points are pretty predictable, like the fight with Red and Blue. Everything is well executed but unfortunately it's a shame that the movie couldn't be longer because I would love to. The jokes are funny, stupid but funny, it's totally a movie to chill out after a hard day. I love watching it when I don't feel okay. The funniest scenes are with Lord Tourettes that curse a lot, oh geez he makes us laugh. There are a lot of clichés about Japan and France too but it fits with the humor and I think it was made in purpose like that. Some jokes are a little dated by the way.

The animation is really well made for a movie with like less than 20 animators. The facial expressions are really well done and the animation is kind of smooth, like the fight scenes and the chase scene in Paris for example. The backgrounds are well done even if sometimes they are simple, like during the chase. Yes it's really well done, good job for all the animation team.

The OST is amazing too, some musics are really good and funny like « Epic Montage ».

It's a very good movie made by the help of kickstarter. I even own the DVD and it's a really pleasure to watch it frequently. Like it !
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