Ridiculous levels of idiocy.
21 May 2022
If you're looking for the perfect television series to encapsulate the stupidity, ignorance and unscrupulousness that exists in US law enforcement then this is it.

Time and time again I see evidence that gaining a prosecution takes precedence over finding the actual perpetrator in the United States.

But the case of Henry Lee Lucas takes the absolute biscuit.

Whoever is responsible for United States global public relations needs to be silencing Netflix as soon as possible as these true-crime documentaries are exposing gargantuan and grotesque disgraces left, right and centre.

How do any of these sheriffs and detectives sleep at night? Do they drop off to sleep fantasising about the publicity, celebrity status and promotions they will receive for the utterly fictitious convictions they have obtained?

How about upholding the laws and principles they have been employed to uphold? How about seeking the truth!?

What is it about Americans? Constantly representing themselves and striving for personal success at the expense of actual justice.

Mind-blowing immorality that is embarrassing on a monumental level. Truly hideous.
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