Review of Zero Hour

The Ray Bradbury Theater: Zero Hour (1992)
Season 5, Episode 2
As if Stephen King ghost-scripted this mess...
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This kind of baloney is what one would expect from Stephen King, not so much Bradbury whose stories aren't quite this dumb usually. (Nobody's writing is as bad as King's, except Argento, De Palma and Zombie.) The kids help aliens invade Earth and terrorize their parents, but we never find out WHY these kids are so hateful, borderline misanthropic. Bradbury gives us absolutely no viable rationalization, aside from some vague nonsense about "parents never listening to their children". What the hell is there to listen to!

Nor would this even remotely justify kids murdering their parents - let alone help out in an invasion. Clearly, Bradbury didn't think this through at all, he just scribbled it up.

Sally Kirkland's daughter is practically a sociopath, her behaviour makes zero sense. Yes, "Zero Sense", not "Zero Hour".

The kid is played by Katherine Isabelle, who is almost totally unrecognizable. One of the better nepotist kids, though not judging by this very lame episode.

Nothing here makes sense. Sally notices that the kids are constantly congregated around a bush, but she never actually makes the "effort" to check it out - which would have involved walking several steps TOWARD the bush, to find out what's there. Isn't she at least a bit curious? I mean, a few steps is all it would have taken...

Ditto the older boys who never bother to actually CHECK the bushes, which completely goes against kids' natural curiosity.

This episode completely disintegrates under the weight of its own idiocy.
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