Review of Hatching

Hatching (2022)
Shell shock
19 May 2022
This warped fairy tale from Finland hits the ground running with a wonderful opening scene that really sets the tone.

A perfect family (husband, wife, young son and daughter) enjoys a perfect moment in the perfect living room of their perfect home.

But then, an uninvited guest makes an appearance.

Like a Poe-esque harbinger of doom, a jet black raven swoops in through an open window and destroys this idyllic tableau of domestic bliss.

And then things get really strange.

Hatching is essentially a coming-of-age story, a little like ET, if it was directed by Ari Aster instead of Steven Spielberg.

With great performances by Sophia Heikkila as the selfie-stick wielding stage mom and her long suffering daughter, played by Sirii Solalinna, this is a very promising debut feature from Hanna Bergholm.

Uncanny, unsettling and unpredictable.
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