Not your typical exorcism flick.
18 May 2022
I watched this when it first came out and now I watched it again nearly a decade later.

As we mature as human beings, we see the world differently. I noticed that I see films differently too.

I liked this back when it came out, and I like it even more now.

The current 6.2 rating for this is a bit low for this film.

I'm not going to write a synopsis because I'm guessing people have already read them and came here to see if a film is worth the watch.

If you're a fan of horror, particularly paranormal horror, give this a watch!

It's a very strong, mature supernatural horror film with great acting, creepy atmosphere and brilliant cinematography.

I've been a horror fan since before I can remember, so horror doesn't really affect me much anymore. But this sure did entertain me and even made go "ewww" a couple of times. Most others will probably find it terrifying!

A quick word on Sean Harris.

What an underrated actor this man is. He's absolutely brilliant in this film!

He absolutely excels in these roles and it's worth the watch just to witness the scenes he's in.

Horror films are always scored lower than other films, so a 6.2 rating (the current imdb rating) is actually decent for a horror believe it or not.

But I disagree. I would actually rate deliver us from evil a 7.5, so round that up and you get 8 :).

Hopefully more people will join me in preventing the criminally low ratings for horrors.

Hope you enjoy this film if I've helped you watch it. Don't call me names if you don't like it lol. But I'm sure you'll like it.
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