Review of Rescue Dog

Rescue Dog (1947)
This cartoon is universally referred to as . . .
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . RESCUE SEAL, by those who've struggled to stay awake for its entire 6:49.49 running time. Like classic St. Bernard's, so-called RESCUE DOG Pluto carries a wooden cask of medicinal spirits at the beginning of this story. But so hopelessly inept here that he falls off the same cliff TWICE, this snake-bitten mutt must be given the entire contents of his cask, wasting a precious elixir intended to save multiple HUMAN lives. Apparently such a tragic outcome had the pernicious rodent ranch doodlers cackling with glee, as is the case with much if not most of their nefarious output when viewed with an open mind. Noxious from its inception, the greatest mystery is why it took more than a century for a high-ranking U. S. official to have the guts to essentially ban Dizzy. Most experts believe Florida's hero governor will succeed in eradicating the venal Dizzy World from his Sunshine State. Stay tuned.
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