It takes a mad man to destroy himself.
12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fun but amateurly made science fiction hokum about yet another crazy rich dude who decides to create the perfect Army to support him while he takes over the world. It's going to take lizard like creatures who are really human beings turned into cyborgs to do his bidding, and when a group of scientists accidentally stumble across his lair, it's only a matter of time before he's taken down. Very tinny sound as is usual in films like this is joined by some fun looking miniatures and costumes for the lizard like people where you can practically see the zipper which appears to not be fully closed.

A Japanese film made with an international cast, they obviously could not find International investors to make it look anything more than the dime store science fiction trash it is. The script is completely cliched, and of course, the mad man has a speech which explains his deranged motives and his dangerous plans, which if it wasn't for the fact that he was dealing with brilliant scientists (at least according to the script), he might be able to get away with it. There had been much better films (and worse ones) with similar themes, and certainly more interesting villains and heroes. But it was unique to see an interracial romance developing here between a Japanese scientist and a Caucasian woman, as well as a plethora of different nationalities working together as either the good guys or the incompetent assistants to the villain.
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