The Sex Trip (2016)
A truly awful movie
9 May 2022
I came across this movie while searching Amazon Prime, and as I like gender switching movies like "Switch" and "It's a Boy Girl Thing," I thought to give it a try.

It is really, truly, an awful movie. The dialogue in this movie tells me that the writers think insulting people is funny; it's not. The Sex Trip's main characters make crude remarks to all of the other characters. I've been a judge in some newbie screenwriting competitions and let me tell you this script would not make it past the first round, which entails reading and judging the first thirty pages.

The film is loaded with stereotypes; again, the writers think caricatures not characters are funny; they're not.

There is nothing "new" in this film from other gender switching movies, but there is a lot "bad" eliminates; ie, the main character not knowing what a woman's menstrual period entails.

Stay away; stay far, far away from this film.
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